Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-B02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:52

264 Bulimia Nervosa

➣Methods: fingers, instruments, syrup of ipecac, laxatives (1/3 of
bulimics), enemas, diuretics

■Purging type: regular self-induction of emesis or the misuse of laxa-
tives, diuretics or enemas after a binge
■Non-purging type: use of non-purging compensatory methods (i.e.,
fasting or excessive exercise after a binge

Signs & Symptoms
■Loss of dental enamel: lingual surface, front teeth
■Increased frequency of dental cavities
■Enlarged salivary (parotid) glands
■Calluses or scars on dorsal surface of hands from repeated trauma
from the teeth during emesis induction and gagging
■Cardiac and skeletal myopathies secondary to repeated ipecac mis-

■Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities:
■Metabolic alkalosis (following repeated emesis):
■Metabolic acidosis (following laxative abuse)

differential diagnosis
■Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type
■Kleine-Levin syndrome
■Major depressive disorder
■Borderline personality disorder
■Body dysmorphic disorder
■Delusional disorder, somatic type

What to Do First
■Persuade patient that treatment is necessary

General Measures
■Referral to psychiatrist with experience in pharmacologic and behav-
ioral therapy of eating disorders
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