Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

300 Cholangiocarcinoma

➣choledochal cysts
➣Caroli’s disease
➣Oriental cholangiohepatitis due to Clonorchis sinensis, also
➣chronic choledocholithiasis
➣exposure to thorium dioxide

Signs & Symptoms
■abdominal pain
■anorexia and weight loss
■weakness and fatigue
■Courvoisier’s sign: palpable, nontender gallbladder accompanied by
■jaundice if the tumor is below the cystic duct takeoff
■abdominal mass.
■1% involve only intrahepatic ducts and present as liver mass

Basic Tests
■elevation of alkaline phosphatase
■elevated bilirubin, often >20 mg/dl
■CA 19–9 >100 U/ml in∼60%
■aminotransferases variably normal or mildly elevated
■increased prothrombin time with prolonged obstruction
■rarely hypercalcemia

Special Tests
➣dilatation of the biliary system to the level of the obstruction,
extensive intrahepatic dilatation except in PSC; may or may not
show a mass
■CT scan
➣similar to ultrasound
➣able to locate the area of obstruction and get brush cytology
(positive in 50∼75%).
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