Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

304 Choledochal Cysts

General Measures
■history, physical, LFTs and imaging studies to determine liver dam-
age and assess surgical candidacy
specific therapy
■initial management depends on the age, presentation and type of
the cyst
■ERCP plays a major role in the diagnosis and classification of biliary
cystic disease and, in fewer instances, in its therapy (type III)
■cholecystectomy must be performed with cyst resection in all
patients to reduce the risk of cancer, with type III cysts as the only
possible exception
■acute suppurative cholangitis: broad-spectrum, intravenous antibi-
otics and endoscopic/percutaneous biliary decompression
■severe biliary pancreatitis: ERCP followed by resection of the cyst
■type III cysts varies with the presentation:
➣endoscopic sphincterotomy for biliary and pancreatic symptoms
➣resection for duodenal obstruction (malignancy rare with type
III cysts)

Therapeutic Options
■Type/Procedure of choice
■gallbladder cysts/cholecystectomy
■cystic duct cysts/cholecystectomy
■choledochal cyst type I/Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
■choledochal cyst type II/excision of diverticulum
■choledochal cyst type III/endoscopic sphincterotomy
■choledochal cyst type IV/Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
■choledochal cyst type V/hepatic resection/ liver transplantation

■postoperative surveillance: incomplete resection
complications and prognosis
■complications of choledochal cyst disease:
➣acute cholecystitis
➣recurrent cholangitis
➣liver abscesses
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