Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

312 Chronic Bundle Branch Block

Chronic Bundle Branch Block and Hemi-blocks..............


history & physical
■Associated with high incidence of cardiac disease and sudden death
(from complete heart block and ventricular tachycardia or fibrilla-
tion), especially LBBB.
■RBBB: widely split second heart sound (delayed P2)
■LBBB: reversed splitting of second heart sound (P2 before A2)

Signs & Symptoms
■Rarely symptomatic but may develop syncope or near syncope
with progression to complete heart block or with ventricular tach-

■Basic Tests
➣12-lead ECG:
QRS≥120 ms. rsR’ (90%) or notched R (10%) in V1.
Deep and broad S wave in leads I and V6 (may be masked by
Incomplete RBBB: waveforms similar to RBBB but QRS
<120 ms
QRS≥120 ms.
Absence of q in I and V6.
Monophasic and usually notched R wave in lead I and a dom-
inant S wave (rS, 67%; QS, 33%) in V1–2.
Incomplete LBBB: waveforms similar to LBBB but QRS
<120 ms. Often seen in LVH.
➣Intraventricular conduction delay (IVCD):
QRS≥120 ms but characteristic waveforms for LBBB or RBBB
not present (often seen in severe dilated cardiomyopathy).
➣Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB):
left QRS axis deviation (− 30 ◦to− 90 ◦) with rS or QS in leads
II, III and F, qR in lead aVL with onset of Q to peak of R
≥45 ms
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