Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

Chronic Bundle Branch Block 313

➣Left ventricular posterior fascicular block (LPFB):
right QRS axis deviation (90◦to 180◦), qR in III and F, rS in I and
aVL, q wave≤40 ms in the inferior leads.
Exclude RVH by echo.
➣Bifascicular block: RBBB+LAFB or LPFB.
■Specific Diagnostic Test
➣Electrophysiology study to measure HQ intervals (not indicated
for this measurement alone) or to assess inducibility of VT with
syncope and bifascicular block.

differential diagnosis
■Secondary degree AV block: from blocked APC.
■Third degree (complete) AV block is a form of AV dissociation. P-P
intervals > R-R intervals in third degree AV block.
■In 2:1 AV block (either constant or isolated), surface ECG cannot
distinguish Mobitz I from II.
■Evidence for Mobitz II: presence of IVCD or BBB.

What to Do First
■No acute intervention required unless syncope occurs.
General Measures
■Identify and initiate treatment of underlying conditions responsible
for BBB block.

specific therapy
Pacemaker Implantation
■Intermittent third degree or second degree AV block in chronic bi-
or trifascicular block (Class I)
■Syncope when VT is excluded with EP study (Class IIa).
■Incidental finding at EP study of non-physiologic paced induced
infra-Hisian block (Class IIa)
■Incidental finding at EP study of HV interval≥100 ms (Class IIa)
Side Effects & Contraindications

■ECG and Holter monitoring if symptoms appear to search for heart
block and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Pacemaker follow-up after
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