Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

314 Chronic Bundle Branch Block Chronic Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

complications and prognosis
■Progression of bifascicular block to complete heart block: slow.
■Syncope in the presence of bifascicular block: increased incidence
of sudden cardiac death.

Chronic Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)....................


history & physical
■Risk factors: hypertension, abnormal lipids, smoking, diabetes, prior
MI, revascularization, obesity, family history
■Associations: peripheral vascular and cerebral vascular disease,
chronic renal disease, especially dialysis
■Complaint: chest discomfort with exertion, and/or at rest (mixed
■Squeezing, burning, substernal. Can radiate to throat, jaws, shoulder,
arm (usually left), back
■Emotion (anger) also a cause
■Anginal equivalent: exertional dyspnea due to LV ischemia

Signs & Symptoms
■May be normal. Hypertension common.
■Signs of valvular heart disease (e.g., aortic stenosis)
■Mitral insufficiency usually secondary
■Signs of CHF (see CHF chapter)

■Basic blood tests
➣Hct, Hgb, smear (R/O anemia)
➣Lipid and renal panels
➣Glucose, Hgb A1C
■Basic test
➣resting ECG
■Specific Diagnostic Tests
➣Treadmill exercise test: alone or with imaging
➣If pt unable to walk, do pharmacologic imaging test (e.g., dobu-
tamine echocardiography, persantine-thallium study).
➣Gold standard: coronary angiography
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