Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

Chronic Heart Failure 321

■Assess nature and degree of patient’s functional limitation, NYHA
Class (a dynamic scale)
➣I: no limitation of physical activity, no symptoms with ordinary
physical activity
➣II: slight limitation of physical activity, comfortable at rest, symp-
tomatic with ordinary activity
➣III: marked limitation of physical activity, comfortable at rest,
symptomatic with less than ordinary activity
➣IV: inability to perform physical activity without discomfort,
symptoms may be present at rest
■Assess ACC/AHA clinical stage of heart failure (a one-way scale)
➣A: High risk for developing heart failure without current struc-
tural heart disease or symptoms of heart failure (i.e., patients
with hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, metabolic
syndrome, etc.)
➣B: Structural heart disease without signs or symptoms of heart
failure (prior myocardial infarction, left ventricular hypertrophy
or enlargement, reduced ejection fraction, valvular disease)
➣C: Structural heart disease with prior or current signs or symp-
toms of heart failure (known structural heart disease and dysp-
nea, exercise intolerance, etc.)
➣D: Refractory heart failure requiring specialized interventions
(marked symptoms at rest despite maximal therapy)
■Assess presence and severity of fluid retention: body weight (may
decrease long-term solely due to cardiac cachexia), physical exam-
ination, especially jugular venous distention, hepatojugular reflux,
rales, hepatomegaly, edema

General Measures
■Prevent development of heart failure:
➣Control coronary risk factors (smoking, hyperlipidemia, hyper-
tension, weight reduction in obese patients, diabetes)
➣Discontinue alcohol use
➣In acute MI patients, limit MI size with reperfusion (thrombolyt-
ics, PTCA) and adverse ventricular remodeling/neurohormonal
activation (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aldosterone antago-
nists, ARB)
➣In patients with asymptomatic LV dysfunction, limit adverse ven-
tricular remodeling/neurohormonal activation (ACE inhibitors
[ARB if intolerant to ACE inhibitor], beta blockers)
■Correct reversible causes: valvular, ischemia, arrhythmia, alcohol
or drug use, high output states, cardiac shunts, drugs that cause/
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