Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Chronic Pancreatitis 343

■Pneumothorax: suspect with sudden increase in dyspnea
■Respiratory failure
■Cor pulmonale: vasoconstriction due to hypoxemia; LVH may
contribute; thromboemboli also
■Depression, anxiety, inactivity
■Sleep abnormalities (less REM, hypercarbia)
■Malnutrition (50%): may affect respiratory muscles
■Giant bullae: usually in smokers, upper lung zones, may become
infected, esp withAspergillus
■Lung cancer

■Mild obstruction (FEV 1 >50%): good
■Severe obstruction (FEV 1 ≤0.75 L): 1-y mortality, 30%
■4th leading cause of death in U.S.
■Natural history: increased rate of decline in FEV 1
■Normal: 20–40 mL/y
■COPD, still smoking: 62 mL/y
■COPD, stopped smoking: 32 mL/y

Chronic Pancreatitis..................................


history & physical
■Alcohol abuse
■Familial history of hereditary pancreatitis
■Obstruction of the pancreatic duct
■Tropical pancreatitis

Signs & Symptoms
■Abdominal or back pain
■Nausea and vomiting
■Weight Loss
In general, highly sensitive and specific tests for chronic pancreatitis in
its early stages do not exist
■Blood tests
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