Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

344 Chronic Pancreatitis

➣serum amylase and lipase are often only slightly elevated or nor-
➣glucose levels may be abnormal secondary to diabetes
➣plain abdominal films – calcifications
➣CT scan: 75–90% sensitive
➣ERCP currently the gold standard
■Pancreatic function tests
➣secretin stimulation test – it requires the collection of duodenal
juice secreted after secretin administration followed by the mea-
surement of bicarbonate and protein secreted. Rarely available
to most practioners.
➣“tubeless” test is useful for severe disease
bentiromide test (BT-PABA)
serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity

differential diagnosis
■other common causes of abdominal pain such as biliary tract disease,
peptic ulcer disease, and intestinal ischemia.
■pancreatic cancer
What to Do First
■Pain – represents the most common management problem
➣first exclude correctable causes of pain
biliary stricture
duodenal stenosis
peptic ulcer disease
pancreatic cancer

specific therapy
■trial of high-dose pancreatic enzymes along with acid supression
(e.g. H 2 -antagonist)
■consider therapeutic endoscopy (e.g. sphincterotomy, lithotripsy,
pancreatic duct stenting
➣controversial and should be performed in an investigational set-
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