Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

378 Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

nodules; any cutaneous site esp. face, chest, genitals with or without
oral mucosa, visceral involvement, lymphatic obstruction
■Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL): usually widespread disease
involving extranodal sites most commonly the GI tract (diarrhea,
biliary colic, obstruction, abdominal pain and swelling), CNS, bone
marrow, liver, and lungs
■PCNSL: afebrile, headache, focal neurologic, mental status change,
personality or behavioral changes, seizures
■Cervical cancer: cervical lesions of various types (e.g., hyperemic,
hypertrophic, ulcerative)
■Anal cancer: anal lesions of various types (e.g., hyperemic, hyper-
trophic, ulcerative)
Other Acute Diarrhea
■Idiopathic: variable, noninfectious causes-rule out medications,
dietary, irritable bowel syndrome
Other Chronic Diarrhea
■Small bowel overgrowth: watery diarrhea, malabsorption, wasting,
■Idiopathic: watery diarrhea, malabsorption, no fecal leukocytes
Other Dermatologic
■Drug reactions: erythematous papular rash with/without pruritus
is most common, most frequent onset is 7-10 days after initiating
■Eosinophilic folliculitis: pruritic papules and pustules on face, trunk,
and extremities; spontaneous exacerbations and remissions
■Ichthyosis: fish-like scales
■Seborrhea: erythematous, scaling plaques with indistinct margins
and yellowish scale on scalp (dandruff ), central (butterfly), ears, hair-
line, chest, upper back, axilla, groin, behind ears
Other Lower extremity symptoms
■Sensory neuropathy: pain and numbness in toes and feet; ankles,
calves, and fingers involved in more advanced cases
■Toxic neuropathy: pain and numbness in toes and feet; ankles, calves,
and fingers involved in more advanced cases
■Tarsal tunnel syndrome: pain and numbness predominantly in ante-
rior portion of soles and feet
■Vacuolar myelopathy: stiffness and weakness in legs with leg numb-
ness; bowel/bladder incontinence in advanced cases
■Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies: predominantly
weakness in arms and legs, with minor sensory symptoms.
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