Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 379

■AZT myopathy: pain and aching in muscles, usually in thighs and
shoulders. Weakness with difficulty arising from a chair or reacting
above shoulders

■Specific diagnostic tests:
■See summaries on individual pathogens listed elsewhere for details.

Other Tests
■Bacillary angiomatosis: Biopsy (vascular proliferation with edema
and polymorphonuclear infiltrate); Warthin-Starry stain shows
organism B. henselae or quintara.
■Cryptococcosis: Serum cryptococcal antigen assay usually positive;
Biopsy (Gomori methanamine-silver stain typically shows budding
yeast+positive culture LP to exclude meningitis.
■HSV: Tzanck Prep (multinucleate giant cells and intranuclear inclu-
sions specific for HSV or VZV ). Swab or biopsy for viral culture and/or
FA stain. Biopsy site: edge of ulcer.
■Kaposi’s sarcoma: biospy
■Molluscum contagiosum: Lesions restricted to epidermis; histologic
or electron microscopic exam of scraping or vesicle fluid
■Syphilis: Primary: dark field or DFA stain of exudate+VDRL. Sec-
ondary: VDRL or RPR with confirmation by antitreponemal antibody
■Staphylococcus aureus: Swab or aspirate should show gram-positive
cocci in clusters and culture S. Aureus in 4+concentrations
■Other: Eosinophilic folliculitis: Biopsy (intercellular edema of follicu-
lar epithelium w/infiltrate of eosinophils, monocytes, and polymor-
phonuclear neutrophils progressing to eosinophilic abscess; Psori-
asis: Histopathologic features may be similar to seborrhea or drug
reactions; distinguish by history and clinical features; Drug reaction:
rash usually responds at 3-5 days after drug discontinued; Ichthyosis:
Clinical features; Seborrhea: Clinical features
Central Nervous System
■Toxoplasmosis:CT/MRI (Location in basal ganglia. Gray-white jct.
Sites usually multiple. Enhancement: prominent-usually solid, irreg-
ular. Usually edema mass effect)
■Lymphoma: CT/MRI (Location periventricular or anywhere, 2–6
cm. One or many sites. Enhancement: prominent, usually solid,
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