Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

384 Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

avoid purchasing a dog or cat aged <6 months (otherwise have
veterinarian examine stools for cryptosporidium, etc.; >1 year
old better in avoiding Bartonella), and avoid adopting stray pets.
Cat litter box should be changed daily, preferably by an HIV-
negative, nonpregnant person or should wash hands thoroughly
after changing litter box; should try to keep cats inside and should
not adopt or handle stray cats (cats should be fed only canned
or dried commercial food or well-cooked table food, not raw
or undercooked meats). Also, avoid raw or undercooked meat,
particularly undercooked pork, lamb, or venison; wash hands
after contact with raw meat and after gardening or other con-
tact with soil. In addition, wash fruits and vegetables well before
eating them raw; avoid exposure to calves and lambs and to
premises where these animals are raised. HIV+persons should
be aware of occupational risks and take appropriate precautions
and hygeine measures, but no recommendations to avoid certain
forms of employment. Appropriate precautions including any
necessary vaccinations or chemoprophylaxis (e.g., for malaria)
should be taken when traveling. Intravenous drug users should
be encouraged to enter rehabilitation programs; if they continue
to use drugs, education regarding cleaning equipment used and
not sharing needles should be reviewed. CMV negatives should
receive CMV-negative leukopore-filtered blood.

specific therapy
Indicated for any evidence of active disease (as indicated in “Tests”
section); see also primary and secondary prophylaxis
■PCP: Trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole; alternative are Trimetho-
prim, Pentamidine, Clindamycin, Atovaquone, Trimetrexate
■Candida: Fluconazole, Clotrimazole oral troches, Nystatin; Ampho-
tericin B, Itraconazole
■Cryptococcus (meningitis): Amphotericin B+flucytosine then flu-
conazole; alternatives include Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Flucona-
zole plus flucytosine
■Aspergillosis: Amphotericin B; Itraconazole, Amphotec, Abelcet,
■Histoplasmosis: Amphotericin B, Itraconazole; Fluconazole
■Cocciodioidomycosis: Amphotericin B; Fluconazole, Itraconazole
■Penicillium marneffei: Amphotericin B; Itraconazole
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