Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 387

immune reconstitution after therapy for HIV, secondary may be
stopped in the following settings:
■CMV: consider in patients with CD4 >100/mm^3 after≥6 months
of HAART with quiescent retinitis; if anti-CMV therapy stopped.
Should have dilated funduscopic exams on a regular basis and ther-
apy restarted if recrudescence of retinitis or CD4 <50/mm^3.
■Cryptococcal meningitis: recent data suggest that may be able to stop
maintenance therapy if asymptomatic for >1-2 years and no evidence
of cryptococcal infection during that period (though role of ongoing
cryptococcemia unclear)
■MAC: may be considered if no MAC symptoms
■Toxoplasmosis: no data at this time
complications and prognosis
See under individual pathogens for details.
Be aware of OI “Reversal Syndromes” after beginning HAART:
■MAC: Lymphadenitis, high fever, lung infiltrates; onset 1–12 weeks
■CMV: Retinitis and vitritis; onset 1-2 months. Uveitis and macular
edema, epiretinal membrane formation, cataracts, papillitis; Onset
2 months–2 yrs.
■TB: Fever, worsening lung infiltrates/effusion, mediastinal and
peripheral lymphadenopathy; Onset 1–6 weeks
■Crptococcal meningitis: new meningeal signs and symptoms,
increased WBC in CSF, adenopathy; Onset 1 week-8 months.
“Reversal” syndromes can be prevented and managed by obtaining
mycobacterial blood culture and ophthalmologic exam and initiating
MAC prophylaxis (for at least 1 month, if possible) before initiating
HAART inn patients with CD4 <50/mm^3 ; giving brief course of corti-
costeroids in severe cases of mycobacerial “reversal” syndrome. Most
cases resolve in several weeks by continuing HAART and anti-OI medi-
cations. Invasive diagnostic procedures can be avoided if clinical setting
and presentation is typical.
■Most important means of improving prognosis from opportunistic
infections is improvement of host immune function – i.e. immune
reconstitution with HAART. HAART improves T-cell counts but
unclear if improves T-cell diversity, which may be the key to complete
immune restoration; if HAART does not fully restore T-cell diversity,
then HIV+persons may be at some long-term risk for opportunistic
infections and malignancies.
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