Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C04 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 14, 2007 20:37

440 Cutaneous Larva Migrans

Signs & Symptoms
■Serpiginous, red, often pruritic, slightly raised tracks, usually on feet,
which advance up to 1–2 cm per day

■Basic tests: blood: none helpful
■Basic tests: urine: not helpful
■Specific tests: none
■Other tests: none

differential diagnosis
■Similar tracks can be seen in strongyloidiasis (usually perianal or
on buttocks). Human hookworm can migrate short distance, not in
distinct track.

What to Do First
■Reassure patient. Larva does not invade.

General Measures
■Keep foot clean, give tetanus booster. Antibiotics if secondarily

specific therapy
■Persistent infestation. Larva eventually dies without treatment, but
can take months.

Treatment Options
■Ivermectin single dose
■Albendazole for 3 days
■Thiabendazole 15% in water-soluble base, applied tid for 5 days
(needs to be compounded, variable results reported)

Side Effects & Complications
■Ivermectin and albendazole: minor intestinal symptoms
■Contraindications to treatment: absolute: pregnancy, except for top-
ical thiabendazole
■Contraindications to treatment: relative: apparently resolving case

■Retreatment needed in around 5–10% of cases
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