Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C04 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 14, 2007 20:37

454 Cystic Fibrosis

What to Do First
■Assess oxygenation, adequacy of ventilation, need for admission (as
for COPD)

General Measures
■Initiate antibiotics (usually 2–3 wks), nutritional assessment and res-
piratory therapy
■Hospitalization may be more for nutrition, respiratory therapy than

specific therapy
■Combination of increased symptoms, weight loss, hemoptysis, wors-
ening spirometry
■Patients usually know when inpatient care necessary

Treatment Options
■Bronchodilators: as for COPD
■Inhaled steroids: often tried; high doses may be more effective; titrate
down for safety
■Antibiotics: base on recent organism and sensitivities; higher than
standard doses are required; use central line (ie, percutaneous or
indwelling port):
➣S aureus: usually penicillin resistant
➣Pseudomonas: double drug therapy required (2 of 3 classes)
Beta lactam: eg, ceftazadime, piperacillin, meropenem
Quinolone: ciprofloxacin
Aminoglycoside: gentamicin or tobramycin
■Inhaled tobramycin: useful for chronic Pseudomonas colonization
■Inhaled DNAse: prevents exacerbations; no benefit for acute exac-
■Respiratory therapy: patient preference important:
➣Traditional: chest physiotherapy with postural drainage
➣Mechanical devices: flutter valve, PEP mask, mechanical percus-
sor, chest vest, positive pressure oscillation (IPV)
■Ventilatory support:
➣Partial: nasal mask ventilation useful as temporizing maneuver
or bridge to lung transplantation
➣Mechanical ventilation: used for acute respiratory failure when
reasonable hope of extubation
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