Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:45

Acute Bacterial Meningitis Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy 21

and cephalosporin-susceptible, narrow to third-generation
■If dexamethasone used with vancomycin, consider adding rifampin
to increase vancomycin entry into CSF.
During Treatment
■Look for contiguous foci (sinusitis, mastoiditis, otitis media) or dis-
tant infection (endocarditis, pneumonia) with S pneumoniae
■Narrow coverage as culture results and susceptibility data allow
■If patient on adjunctive corticosteroids and not improving as
expected, or if pneumococcal isolate, repeat LP 36–48 hours after
starting antibiotics to document CSF sterility
■Treat close contacts of patients with N meningitidis to eradicate
carriage. If not treated with a third-generation cephalosporin, the
patient should receive chemoprophylaxis as well.
complications and prognosis
■Seizures, coma, sensorineural hearing loss, cranial nerve palsies,
obstructive hydrocephalus, subdural effusions, CSF fistula (espe-
cially likely with recurrent meningitis), syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone
■Consider placing ICP monitoring device
■ICP >15–20, elevate head to 30 degrees, hyperventilate adults
■Average case fatality: 5–25%
■N meningitidis: 3–13%
■S pneumoniae: 19–26%
■L monocytogenes: 15–29%

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy...........................


history & physical
■Nausea and vomiting, bleeding from gums or elsewhere, signs and
symptoms of preeclampsia, coma, either hepatic or hypoglycemic
■Third trimester of pregnancy, or post partem. Often primipara.
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