Internal Medicine

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0521779407-D-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:41

Drug Allergy 499

➣Cough, infiltrates on radiograph, fever
➣Cholestasis, hepatocellular damage

■Blood: eosinophilia in <10%
■Serum tryptase to detect mast cell degranulation in suspected ana-
■Complement levels in serum sickness, other suspected immune
complex-mediated reactions
■Skin biopsy if vasculitis suspected
■Specific identification of responsible drug by skin testing if possible
➣Standardized reagents available only for penicillin & derivatives
➣Positive reaction to intradermal test w/ non-toxic dose of other
drugs may have value

differential diagnosis
■Increased sensitivity to known pharmacologic action of the drug
common in elderly
■Nonallergic adverse reactions to drugs
➣Flushing, hypotension w/ radiocontrast media; less frequent w/
isotonic contrast media
➣Aspirin-induced asthma
➣Assoc w/ rhinosinusitis
➣Virtual complete cross-reactivity w/ other NSAIDs implicates
pharmacologic action of these drugs
➣Hemolytic anemia w/ G6PD deficiency
➣Primaquine, other antioxidants
➣Opiate-related urticaria
➣Hepatitis caused by reactive drug metabolites (eg, isoniazid)
➣Syncope, usually vasovagal, mimicking anaphylactic reaction to
local anesthetics in dentistry

What to Do First
■Recognize that symptoms & signs are cause by drug allergy, identify
the offending agent, discontinue it.

General Measures
■Support blood pressure, maintain airway in anaphylaxis
■Maintain skin integrity w/ local treatment in cutaneous disease
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