Internal Medicine

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0521779407-D-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:41

Drug Eruptions 505

lesions especially pustules, papules and whiteheads, often worse
on trunk, onset weeks. Toxic pustuloderma as part of the drug
hypersensitivity syndrome (see below). 5 days – 6 weeks, range
3 +months.
➣Erythrodermic– widespread skin involvement with erythema,
scaling, and serous exudates; onset usually gradual starting at
1–6 weeks, range to 3+months.
➣Eczematous/Dermatitic– erythematous and scaling; onset 5
days – 3+months.
➣Blistering– fluid-filled lesions >5 mm, epidermal shedding.
Include Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis,
which involve mucous membranes (mouth, eyes)+/−atypical
target lesions (dusky center with erythematous surrounds, may
blister centrally); onset 5–21 days, range 6+weeks. Other causes
of drug-induced blistering: porphyria, pseudoporphyria, linear
IgA disease, and pemphigus.
➣Fixed Drug Eruption– single or multiple round to oval
lesions, dusky red+/−edematous or central blister; resolves
with hyperpigmentation; classic sites periorificial, genital, and
perianal areas, onset 30 minutes – 2 days, range minutes –
4 days.
➣Vasculitic– palpable purpura, urticarial plaques, hemorrhagic
bullae, ulcers, dermal nodules, Raynaud’s disease, and digital
necrosis; onset 5 – 21 days, range 3+months.
■DISTRIBUTION and EXTENT – e.g., sharply demarcated photodis-
tributed eruption; involvement of dependent regions (legs and but-
tocks) in cutaneous vasculitis
■SYSTEMIC INVOLVEMENT: Commonly affected internal organs –
liver, kidneys, lungs, and hematological system. Features suggestive
of severe drug reaction+/−internal organ involvement:
➣Fever, pharyngitis, anorexia, and malaise or signs and symptoms
of internal organ involvement
➣Prominent facial involvement+/−edema or swelling
➣Mucous membrane involvement (particularly if erosive or
involving conjunctiva)
➣Skin tenderness, blistering or shedding
➣Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome=Rash+Fever+Internal
Organ Involvement
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