Internal Medicine

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0521779407-D-02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:9

Echinococcosis 519

➣Needle aspiration: for larger cysts where needle can pass through
liver to cyst. Hypertonic saline then injected to kill remaining
➣Surgical resection: for larger hepatic cysts, cysts elsewhere. Give
albendazole during and 1 month after aspiration or surgery to
prevent new disease in case of leakage.
■E. multilocularis:
➣Primary resection of cyst when possible is treatment of choice.
Liver transplant occasionally done.
➣Albendazole long-term (years), or:
➣Mebendazole long-term. Albendazole gives higher blood and
cyst levels.

Side Effects & Complications
■Surgery: rupture and leakage of cyst, other surgical complications
■Albendazole: Hepatic toxicity, such as jaundice, elevated enzymes.
Also alopecia, leukopenia, fever.
■Mebendazole: same
■Contraindications to treatment: absolute:
➣E. granulosis: dead cysts
➣E. multilocularis: none
■Contraindications to treatment: relative:
➣E. granulosis: Very small deep cysts. Elderly or debilitated
➣E. multilocularis: relative contraindications are same as in a
patient with a malignancy.

During Treatment
■Follow liver function, CBC, and ultrasound or CT. In E. multilocularis,
serology follow-up is useful.

■Continued ultrasound follow-up

complications and prognosis
■E. granulosis: Rupture of cyst can produce new cysts in area of rup-
ture, or anaphylaxis. Covering with chemotherapy can usually pre-
vent this. Otherwise good prognosis.
■E. multilocularis: Behaves somewhat like a malignancy. If resected,
curative. If chemotherapy used, some regress well, some progress to
fatal outcome, but 10-year survival rate on therapy is 90%.
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