Internal Medicine

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0521779407-E-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

520 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome...............................


history & physical
■Hyperextensible joints
■Soft, velvety, hyperextensible skin
■Easy bruising
■Dystrophic scarring after surgery or minor trauma
■Family history of same (some types autosomal dominant)
Signs & Symptoms
■Type I (gravis): hyperextensible joints and skin, easy bruising, thin
“cigarette paper” scars, varicose veins, mitral valve prolapse, pes
planus deformity, premature osteoarthritis, prematurity at birth
■Type II (mitis): same as type I, but less severe, no prematurity
■Type III (familial hypermobility): hyperextensible joints, joint dislo-
cations, mildly hyperextensible skin, normal scarring
■Type IV (vascular): thin translucent skin with prominent venous pat-
tern, marked bruising, thin nose and lips, spontaneous arterial rup-
ture with massive hematoma, stroke, or death, spontaneous bowel
rupture, uterine rupture during pregnancy, mitral valve prolapse,
hypermobility limited to distal interphalangeal joints, friable tissues
at surgery
■Type V (X-linked): similar to Type II, males only
■Type VI (ocular): corneal fragility, blue sclerae, retinal detachment,
glaucoma, hyperextensible skin and joints, severe scoliosis
■Type VII (arthrochalasis multiplex congenita): hyperextensible skin
and joints, congenital hip dislocations, recurrent joint dislocations,
moderate bruisability
■Type VIII (periodontal): severe periodontitis with loss of teeth, mod-
erate skin fragility and joint hyperextensibility
■Type IX: occipital horns, short humerus, short broad clavicles,
chronic diarrhea, bladder diverticuli and rupture, mild skin hyper-
extensibility. X-linked (males only).
■Type X: mild joint hyperextensibility, easy bruising, abnormal plate-
let aggregation
Basic Tests
■Radiographs of painful joints, and of spine to detect scoliosis
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