Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-E-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 527

>6 weeks duration
normal gastric function
surgical, radiological, or percutaneous placement
large bore tube, medication administration or gastric decom-
pression possible
>6 week duration
impaired gastric motility or access
GERD/aspiration risk decreased
bolus poorly tolerated
laparoscopic, fluoroscopic or endoscopic placement
➣combined gastrostomy/jejunostomy
gastric decompression with otherwise intact GI tract
➣medications via gastric port decrease risk of clogging jejunal port
➣continuous feedings (16–24 hours)
➣cyclic feedings (6–8 hours)
➣bolus (<15 minutes duration, 4–6 times daily)
➣formula options:
polymeric (1–2 kcal/ml, lactose/gluten free,+/−residue)
elemental (minimal residue, low viscosity, lactose-free, often
disease specific
modular components
■parenteral access
standard venipuncture method
<600–900 mOsm/L to avoid phlebitis
centrally placed multilumen catheter placed surgically
➣composition options:
dextrose concentrations 5–70%
amino acid concentrations 3–15%
lipid concentrations 10–30%
electrolytes, vitamins, minerals

Side Effects & Complications
➣high gastric residuals
➣nasopharyngeal, nasolabial, ostomy site irritation
esophageal/laryngeal ulceration/stenosis
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