Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-07 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

Fibromyalgia 569

■Symptoms that mimic inflammatory disorders, including
Raynaud’s-like symptoms, livedo reticularis, malar flushing,
morning stiffness, subjective swelling of hands & feet, may con-
found diagnosis
■Symptoms often begin or worsen after exposure to a “stressor” such
as trauma, infection, emotional stress

Signs & Symptoms
■Normal except for findings of tenderness present anywhere in body,
not just confined to areas of typical “tender points”
■Formal American College of Rheumatology criteria require 11 of 18
tender points present, but in clinical practice at least half of pts w/
fibromyalgia will not have 11 of 18 tender points

■Pts w/ acute or subacute symptoms may require an extensive
workup, whereas in those w/ chronic symptoms minimal workup
is necessary

Lab Tests
■Used to exclude other diseases
■CBC, routine chemistries, creatine kinase, TSH, urinalysis, ESR
should be normal
■Rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody should only be ordered if
there is high suspicion of autoimmune disorder (eg, abnormal phys-
ical exam or abnormal screening labs)

■Not warranted unless dictated by history & physical findings

differential diagnosis
■Hypothyroidism (high TSH)
■Polymyalgia rheumatica (>50 yrs old, high ESR)
■Hepatitis C
■Drug-induced myopathies (esp. statin drugs)
■Chiari malformation or cervical spinal stenosis
■Early rheumatoid arthritis or SLE may simulate fibromyalgia

What to Do First
■Educate pt
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