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0521779407-07 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

Folic Acid/Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency 579

normal stage I test because they can absorb crystalline [57Co] cobal-
amin normally.

■If patient decompensating from congestive heart failure, give 1
unit of packed cells slowly plus dual vitamin replacement (1 mg
cobalamin and 1 mg folic acid) stat. Also for suspected cobalamin-
deficient neurologic disease, give cobalamin and folic acid immedi-
ately after drawing blood tests.
■With less urgent clinical picture, await confirmatory diagnostic tests
before initiating therapy.

specific therapy
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
for men and nonpregnant women is 2.4 mcg; pregnant women, 2.6
mcg; lactating women, 2.8 mcg; and children 9–18 years,∼1.5–2 mcg.
The RDA of folate for adult men and nonpregnant women is 400 mcg;
pregnant women, 600 mcg; lactating women, 500 mcg; children 9 to 18
years, 300–400 mcg.
■For PA-related cobalamin deficiency: Intramuscular cobalamin 1 mg
daily×1 week, then 1 mg biweekly for 4 weeks, then monthly injec-
tions for life
■Alternatively, oral cobalamin 2 mg orally for life (1% passively
absorbed sufficient for daily replacement) after acute replenishment
of depleted cobalamin stores using IM regimen above
■Folate deficiency: Oral folic acid 1 mg PO daily, all cases
Modified Therapeutic Trials.
Indication: When clinical suspicion is against folate/cobalamin
deficiency but other clinical, morphologic, and/or biochemical
abnormalities are inconclusive (e.g., megaloblastic bone marrow that
could be secondary to chemotherapy, myelodysplastic syndromes, or
acute myeloid leukemia; or in pregnancy, AIDS, or alcoholism, when
anemia is likely to be multifactorial). Documenting failure to respond
to combination of folic acid 1 mg orally×10 days and cobalamin 1
mg IM daily×10 days rules out folate/cobalamin deficiency. After all
such negative trials, a bone marrow evaluation is indicated to identify
another primary hematologic disease.

■Note: Folic acid alone cures megaloblastosis of folate/cobalamin
deficiency but aggravates neuropathology of cobalamin deficiency.
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