Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-07 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

Folic Acid/Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency Folliculitis and Furunculosis 581

➣Gram-negative folliculitis occurs following exposure to a poorly
cleaned or chlorinated pool
➣Poor hygiene
➣Staphylococcus and streptococcus are the most common bacte-
rial causes.
➣Recent hot tub use is associated with Pseudomonas infection and
is self-limited.

Signs & Symptoms
■Itching, tenderness, purulent drainage, possibly fever
■Follicularly based pustules (folliculitis)
■Hot tub folliculitis – usually follicular pustules on the back
■A furuncle is a red tender nodule(s).
■A carbuncle is often larger, multilocular and studded with pustules;
associated with fever, malaise, and leukocytosis.

■Complete blood count
■Gram stain of the exudates or contents
■Cultures are not always necessary.
■Blood sugar determination and/or HIV testing with recurrent disease

differential diagnosis
■Cutaneous candiasis
■Blastomycosis, cryptococcus or other deep fungi
■Inflammatory variant of a dermatophyte infection (Majocchi’s gran-
■Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (Sweet’s syndrome)

What to Do First
■Assess area involved.
■Check status of immune function.

General Measures
■Counsel regarding hygiene.
■Antibacterial soaps if the process is associated with a folliculitis

specific therapy
■Oral antibiotics with good coverage of Staphylococcus and Strepto-
coccus for furuncles or carbuncles
■Incision and drainage of fluctuant areas
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