Internal Medicine

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0521779407-07 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

Food Allergies 585

General Measures
■Consider non-immunologic causes for symptoms
■Perform diagnostic test, chosen based on severity of reaction/food
■Referral to allergist or nutritionist for more advanced workup and
education about avoidance of particular groups of foods
specific therapy
■Based on recognition of disorder, cause and avoidance of offending
agent, use of antihistamines, steroids and/or epinephrine
■Side Effects & Contraindications
➣Glucocorticoids: Cushing’s syndrome, hyperglycemia, infec-
tions, psych disorders, insomnia, HPA axis suppression, glau-
coma, cataracts, hypertension, myopathy, osteoporosis, peptic
ulcer, electrolyte disorders
Contraindications: infection
➣Antihistamines: Drowsiness, anticholinergic effects, paradoxical
excitement, blood dyscrasias, hypotension
➣Epinephrine: hypertenison, headache, palpitations, cerebral
hemorrhage, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, anxiety
Contraindications: cardiac disease, organic brain damage
➣Elimination diet: maluntrition, eating disorders (solid diagnostic
criteria must be met before prescribing a strict elimination diet)
■Proper education of patient and family members of what agents
to avoid, signs and symptoms to be watchful for, and emergency
treatments such as self-administered epinephrine
complications and prognosis
■Gastrointestinal bleed
■Weight loss
■Anaphylaxis: Cardiovascular and respiratory collapse
■Prognosis is good if serious reactions are recognized and treated early
■No alteration in lifespan of mild reactions
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