Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

598 Galactosemia

■immediate exclusion of galactose from diet (use casein hydrolysate
or soy formulas) while awaiting results of confirmatory testing
■confirm diagnosis

General Measures
■intravenous fluids, plasma, vitamin K may be needed in sick neonate
■referral to biochemical genetics specialist center
■life-long exclusion of galactose from diet (NB: many medicines con-
tain galactose – avoid if possible)
■adequate calcium intake to aid in osteoporosis prevention

specific therapy
■above treatment for all confirmed classic galactosemia patients
■galactose restrict D/G heterozygotes for 4–12 months, then start reg-
ular diet if galactose-1-phosphate levels normal after galactose chal-
lenge (controversial – some centers do not galactose restrict)
■hormone replacement therapy in premature ovarian failure (from
∼age 12 years) – monitor growth, bone age, BP during initiation of

Side Effects & Contraindications
■galactose restricted diet is well-tolerated

During Treatment
■monitor liver function, renal function and response to antibiotics (if

■biochemical geneticist/nutritionist evaluation, diet education for
family of affected child, genetic counseling
■regular galactose-1-phosphate levels
■annual ophthalmology evaluation for cataracts
■regular developmental assessment (esp. to screen for speech impair-
■refer girls to pediatric endocrinologist at∼age 10 years

complications and prognosis
■cirrhosis, renal dysfunction, cataracts if untreated or noncompliant
with diet
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