Internal Medicine

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0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

614 Gastrointestinal Bleeding

■Dyspepsia may or may not be present
➣∼50% of patients >60 years have dyspepsia with bleeding
➣∼35% of patient <60 years have dyspepsia with bleeding
■More specific features for some entities: reflux/heartburn –
esophagitis; forceful emesis – Mallory-Weiss tear of GE junction; dys-
pepsia – peptic ulcers; weight loss/early satiety – neoplasms; NSAID
use – ulcers; known or suspected cirrhosis – varices
■Occasionally just symptoms of anemia – weakness, pallor, dyspnea

Physical Findings
■occasionally, epigastric tenderness (for ulcer disease), rarely epigas-
tric mass or hepatomegaly for neoplasms or cirrhosis
■Lower GI bleeding (usually bleeding from distal small bowel or colon)

■Grossly bloody stools (note: this may occasionally be from brisk
upper GI bleed) or normal stools mixed with blood
■Occasionally melena (especially from distal small bowel or right
■Weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, anorexia – with colon cancer
■Abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, fevers and arthralgias – with idio-
pathic inflammatory bowel disease
■Occasionally symptoms of anemia alone

Physical Findings
■palpable mass (colon cancer primary or hepatomegaly from metas-
tases) or tenderness in lower quadrants (colitis); remember that
diverticular bleeding is painless
■Occult GI bleeding
■No hematemesis, melena, hematochezia – the most common pre-
■Occasionally, episodes of hematemesis, melena &/or hematochezia
with repetitively negative evaluations
■Chronic iron deficiency anemia &/or stools (+) for occult blood
■Usually no symptoms other than those of anemia

Laboratory Tests: Anemia
■acute blood loss: associated with normal MCV and MCHC, and nor-
mal iron and ferritin stores
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