Internal Medicine

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0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

618 Gastropathy

Basic Studies: Blood
■If elevated MCV:
➣Vitamin B12 level
➣Schilling test or anti-parietal antibody levels
■Serum gastrin level to exclude Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
■H. pylori antibody useful in the setting of suspected peptic ulcer
disease or documented lymphoma
■Hypoalbuminemia and low serum protein in Menetrier’s disease

Upper Endoscopy with Biopsy
■Mucosal biopsies or urease testing for H. pylori
■False negative urease test can be seen with proton pump inhibitor
usage or high dose H2-receptor antagonist therapy
■Endoscopic appearance can be non-specific
■Histologic evidence of gastritis necessary to establish diagnosis
■Tissue for culture if clinically indicated
■In the setting of suspected Menetrier’s disease, perform endoscopic
mucosal resection to achieve depth required to confirm diagnosis
■Consider endoscopic ultrasound to exclude malignancy

■Thickened gastric folds can be demonstrated and are nonspecific
■Small bowel study may be useful to exclude Crohn’s disease with
gastric involvement

differential diagnosis
Erosive/hemorrhagic gastritis
■Stress lesions in intensive care unit or burn patients
■Drugs: NSAIDS, potassium chloride, iron, chemotherapy, cocaine
➣Portal hypertensive gastropathy in setting of cirrhosis
■Localized gastric trauma
➣Interventional, caustic, radiation, foreign body ingestion
■Reflux injury
➣Postgastrectomy, duodenogastric reflux
■Graft-versus-host disease
■Prolapse gastropathy
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