Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

Gastropathy Geographic Tongue 621
Absolute: Pregnancy or lactating patients
Relative: None

■H. pyloriinfection
➣Antibody titers decline slowly over many months
➣Need to wait 6–12 months to witness significant decline and/or
regression in lymphoma
➣Serology positive in up to 40% of successfully treated patients
➣Use urea breath test or upper endoscopy with biopsy to confirm
■Surveillance for gastric cancer in pernicious anemia
➣Endoscopy with biopsy initially
➣No endoscopic surveillance if no dysplasia detected
➣Endoscopy with biopsy every 2 years if dysplasia detected
■Surveillance for gastric cancer in postgastrectomy patients
➣Consider intial screening 10 years post-resection
➣Screening frequency not established
■Role of screening for early gastric cancer in Menetrier’s disease
➣True incidence of cancer unclear: ?related to postgastrectomy
➣Difficult to perform adequate tissue sampling of thickened folds
complications and prognosis
■Gastric cancer in minority of patients
➣Pernicious anemia
➣?Menetrier’s disease
■Upper GI bleeding
■Lifespan normal in the absence of gastric cancer development
■Most patients with Menetrier’s disease, most do well after partial
gastric resection without recurrence

Geographic Tongue...................................

history & physical
■onset at any age
■no known etiology; rarely associated with medications or allergies
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