Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

624 Giardiasis

■Basic tests: urine: normal
■Specific tests: Stool exam for O&P. A little more sensitive is ELISA-
based exam of stool for Giardia antigen.
■Other tests: Serology is available, but many false negatives, and pos-
itive could mean old disease. UGI may show dilation of upper small
bowel and thickened folds. Duodenal aspirate or biopsy useful when
less invasive tests indeterminate.

differential diagnosis
■Infectious diarrheas, other causes of malabsorption, amebiasis,
strongyloidiasis, isosporiasis

What to Do First
■Assess severity, evidence of malabsorption.

General Measures
■Determine source of infection, check others exposed.
specific therapy
■All symptomatic patients; asymptomatic patients who may transmit

Treatment Options
■Metronidazole for 7 days
■Tinadazole single dose
■Paromomycin for 7 days
■Furazolidine for 10 days

Side Effects & Complications
■Metronidazole: metallic taste in mouth, mild GI complaints, dizzi-
ness. Antabuse-like reaction with alcohol.
■Paromomycin: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
■Furazolidine: nausea, occasional allergic reactions, urticaria
■Contraindications to treatment: absolute: none
■Contraindications to treatment: relative: asymptomatic children in
day care centers. Treatment of asymptomatic persons in hygienic
settings is optional.

During Treatment
■See that symptoms subside.
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