Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:13

706 Herpes Type 1/Type 2

■Forscarnet – more toxicity than acyclovir, sometimes used for
acyclovir-resistant infections
■Trifluridine/Idoxuridine – ophthalmic solution for keratoconjunc-
Penciclovir – cream for orolabial herpes
Consider suppressive therapy when frequent recurrences.


complications and prognosis
Herpes Proctitis
■anal discharge

Central Nervous System
■usually involves focal area of brain – temporal lobe
■often with behavior changes and altered consciousness
■severe condition
■untreated – 70% mortality

Aseptic Meningitis
■common complication of primary genital herpes
■30% of females, 10% of males
■headache, fever, photophobia
■lymphocytic pleocytosis

Autonomic and Peripheral Neuropathies
■associated with rectal and less frequently genital infection
■transverse myelitis
■Bell’s Palsy may be associated with HSV-1 reactivation

Herpetic Whitlow
■Most HSV-1, occasionally HSV-2
➣Painful infection on finger
➣Cutaneous vesicle
➣May have fever
➣May have lymphadenitis; epitrochlear and axillary sites

Herpes Gladiatorum
■Cutaneous herpes in areas of close contact during wrestling
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