Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:13

770 Hyperthermia Hyperthyroidism

■Dantrolene sodium: For malignant hyperthermia of anesthesia or
neuroleptic malignant syndrome: repeat dose until symptoms sub-
side or max dose reached, immediate interruption of anesthesia or
discontinuation of neuroleptic indicated
■Bromocriptine may be useful in neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Side Effects & Complications
■Shivering and vasoconstriction common: treat with chlorpromazine
IM or diazepam IV
■Chlorpromazine can lower seizure threshold
■Dantrolene sodium may cause generalized muscle weakness, seda-
tion and hepatitis
■Aggressive IV fluid replacement can result in pulmonary edema,
esp in patients who develop myoglobinuria-induced renal failure
or myocardial infarction
■Relative: dantrolene sodium not effective for heat stroke
During Treatment
■Monitor core temperature continuously; changes in rectal tempera-
ture may lag changes in actual core temperature
■Cool as rapidly as possible until temperature <38.9◦C
complications and prognosis
■Time to correction of temperature correlates with severity of neuro-
logic injury and residual deficits.
■Febrile seizure in 2 to 4% of children
■Renal failure in 5–25% of patients with severe hyperthermia
■Mortality from severe hyperthermia 10% with treatment and
increases to 76% in patients with temperature >41.0◦C
■Mortality from malignant hyperthermia of anesthesia and neurolep-
tic malignant syndrome 8–20% with treatment



history & physical
■Personal or family history of thyroid disease
■Recent viral illness
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