Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:13

Hypoglycemia 781

differential diagnosis
■Healthy appearing patient:
➣Drugs (ethanol, salicylates, quinine, insulin or sulfonylureas in
diabetic patients)
➣Factitious from insulin or sulfonylureas
➣Islet hyperplasia/nesidioblastosis
➣Ketotic hypoglycemia
■Ill-appearing patient:
➣Liver failure
➣Renal failure
➣Lactic acidosis
➣Drugs: pentamidine, quinine; drug-dispensing error
➣Parenteral nutrition and insulin therapy
➣Infant of diabetic mother
➣Glycogen storage disease
➣Hereditary fructose intolerance
➣Carnitine deficiency
➣Defects in amino acid and fatty acid metabolism
➣Reye’s syndrome
➣Anorexia nervosa
➣Growth hormone deficiency in infants and children
➣Adrenal insufficiency
➣Large, non-beta cell tumor
➣Autoimmune diseases

What to Do First
■Verify that symptoms occur at a time when hypoglycemia is present
and document that the symptoms resolve with correction of the low
glucose level
■If a normal glucose is found at the time of symptoms, no further
evaluation for hypoglycemia generally is needed
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