Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:18

56 Acute Respiratory Acidosis Acute Respiratory Alkalosis

■Causes of Acute Respiratory Acidosis
➣Airway obstruction – laryngospasm, bronchospasm (severe
asthma), obstructive sleep apnea
➣Circulatory catastrophes – cardiac arrest, severe pulmonary
edema, massive pulmonary embolus
Note: In severe circulatory failure or cardiac arrest, arterial
blood may show a low PCO2 even though venous blood PCO2 is
high (termed “pseudorespiratory alkalosis”) due to preservation
of ventilation in the face of a marked reduction in pulmonary
perfusion. Should be treated as respiratory acidosis.
➣CNS depression – anesthesia, sedatives, cerebral trauma
➣Neuromuscular impairment – Guillain-Barre, myasthenic crisis, ́
cervical cordotomy, drugs and toxins
➣Ventilatory restriction – pneumothorax, flail chest, adult respira-
tory distress syndrome (ARDS)
➣Iatrogenic mishaps – anesthesia equipment failures
■Reestablish airway.
■Relieve bronchospasm.
■Ensure adequate oxygen delivery.
■Assisted ventilation as needed
■Use bicarbonate only when other approaches fail to improve venti-
lation, as a temporizing measure to increase pH.
specific therapy

■Correct underlying cause.

complications and prognosis
■Excellent if cause can be corrected, otherwise poor with limited sur-
vival, death, if process not rapidly reversed

Acute Respiratory Alkalosis..............................


history & physical
■Air hunger
■Numbness (circumoral), tingling in extremities
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