Internal Medicine

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0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:44

Intravascular, Non-immune Hemolytic Anemia 865

■acute renal failure and hematologic abnormalities are the main tar-
gets of therapy
■antihypertensive therapy
■plasma exchange is frequently initiated but is often not efficacious
■transfuse packed red blood cells and platelets as needed

Side Effects/Complications/Contraindications
■heparin therapy should be avoided in patients with documented
CNS bleed or recent surgery
■transfuse platelets only to treat life-threatening bleeding; platelet
transfusions may exacerbate disease process, and reports of death
have consistently occurred in those transfused with plateletsbefore
treatment has been initiated with the first therapeutic plasma
■anti-platelet drugs may increase the risk of bleeding
■plasma exchange, steroids, heparin and anti-platelet drugs have not
been helpful or their role has not been clearly defined
➣Antifibrinolytics, prothrombin complex concentrates, and
recombinant activated factor VII are contraindicated in DIC due
to risk of precipitating disseminated thrombosis.

■the efficacy of therapy can be monitored by following changes in
D-dimers, fibrinogen, and platelets
■the PTT or heparin level should be checked several hours after
heparin administration and dosage adjustments made accordi-
■the efficacy of therapy can be monitored by following changes in
mental status, platelet count, hemoglobin, LDH, schistocyte num-
ber, and renal function; platelet counts can be monitored periodi-
cally with decreasing frequency as duration of remission lengthens
■monitor blood pressure, renal function, platelet count, LDH,
hemoglobin levels, schistocyte number
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