Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:44

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 871

Frequent loose stools of small to moderate volume with or
without mucus
Occurs during waking hours and very often after meals
Accompanied by urgency and a feeling of incomplete evacua-
Hard, pellet shaped stools, with straining and a feeling of
incomplete evacuation
➣Alternating diarrhea and constipation
■Other common gastrointestinal symptoms :
➣Bloating, flatulence, belching, intermittent dyspepsia, nausea,
early satiety, gastroesophageal reflux, dysphagia and non-cardiac
chest pain
■Other extra-intestinal symptoms:
➣Impaired sexual function, dysmenorrhea, dsyspareunia,
increased urinary frequency and urgency, and fibromyalgia

Physical Signs
■Physical exam usually unremarkable
■Palpable and tender sigmoid colon or discomfort on rectal exami-
nation in patients with constipation

Diagnostic Criteria
■No biological disease markers to make a diagnosis
■Diagnosis based on identification of symptoms consistent with IBS,
and exclusion of organic disorders
■Two sets of diagnostic criteria have been used for definition:
➣Manning criteria: the likelihood of IBS is proportional to the
number of criteria present:
Pain relieved with defecation
More frequent stools at the onset of pain
Looser stools at the onset of pain
Visible abdominal distension
Passage of mucus
Sensation of incomplete evacuation
➣The Rome criteria developed by an international consensus
At least three months of continuous or recurrent symptoms of
the following:
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