Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:44

876 Ischemic Bowel Disease

➣Pancreatitis – CT helpful
➣Inflammatory bowel disease – sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy
important to make distinction – NOTE: rectum usually
involved in ulcerative colitis but rarely so in ischemia.
■If any question about diagnosis – early surgery is essential – time is
of the essence.

What to Do First
■Resuscitate quickly
■CT early in work-up-IV, oral and rectal contrast essential

General Measures
■Consult GI and Surgery quickly (limited colonoscopy may be helpful)
■Always have index of suspicion for ischemic bowel disease when pain
is “out of proportion” to the physical findings
■when in doubt – exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopy

specific therapy
■For severe ischemia with likely dead bowel – urgent surgery
■For intestinal angina – evaluate by elective angiography and consider
vascular reconstruction, angioplasty, stent, etc.
■For ischemic colitis – consider cardiology evaluation detect occult
may be helpful to look CHF, arrhythmias or valvular disease
■Elective angiography for treatable stenosis

■When self-limited ischemic bowel subsides, evaluate for ASCVD,
coagulopathy, valvular heart disease, arrhythmias, occult CHF
■Small bowel ischemia with resection, common cause of chronic mal-
absorbtion “short gut syndrome” – may need TPN or supplements

complications and prognosis
■Major problem is missed diagnosis with subsequent dead bowel and
patient death
■“Short gut” syndrome with malabsorption common following exten-
sive small bowel resections
■If etiology not discovered and corrected, recurrent episodes common
often leading to a fatal outcome
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