Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-13 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:15

910 Liver Flukes

What to Do First
■Assess severity of disease, including possible ectopic flukes.

General Measures
■Determine source of infestation; educate patient on prevention.

specific therapy
■All patients

Treatment Options
■Bithional, on alternate days for 10–15 doses (must be obtained from
the CDC)
■Triclabendazole once (available only as a veterinary preparation in
U.S. Excellent record of efficacy and safety in reports)

Side Effects & Complications
■Bithional: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, urticaria, photosen-
sitivity. Occasionally hepatitis, leukopenia.
■Triclabendazole: so far well tolerated
■Contraindications to treatment: absolute: allergy to medications
■Contraindications to treatment: relative: light infection, asymp-
During Treatment
■Monitor liver function, clinical course.

■Repeat stool exams 2–4 weeks after treatment, retreat if needed
(bithional cures about 50% in one course).

complications and prognosis
■Biliary obstruction, syndromes due to ectopic worms that migrate
to abdominal cavity, heart, brain. Prognosis of hepatic infection is
good if treated. Prognosis of ectopic worms depends on location and
possible surgical complications.
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