Internal Medicine

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0521779407-13 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:15

Lymphadenitis and Lymphangitis 931

pestis); unilateral inguinal adenopathy due to pyogenic infections (S.
aureus or group A streptococcus) or cat-scratch disease
■Generalized adenopathy seen in many diseases, including brucel-
losis, infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, CMV, acute HIV,
secondary syphilis, disseminated tuberculosis or atypical mycobac-
terial disease, etc.
■Acute lymphangitis most commonly caused by group A streptococ-
cus and S. aureus; less common causes include other streptocooci,
Pasteurella multocida (following a cat or dog bite) and Spirillum
minor (rat-bite fever)
■Chronic nodular lymphangitis due to Sporothrix schenckii (sporoti-
chosis), nocardia and Mycobacterium marinum (swimming pool
granuloma); other fungi and atypical mycobacteria as well as leish-
mania also rare causes

Signs & Symptoms
■Acute lymphadenitis associated with swollen, tender, erythematous
node; localized cellulitis may be present; systemic symptoms of fever,
chills and malaise common
■Chronic lymphadenitis presents insidiously with swollen node that
may or may not be tender and usually not associated with systemic
■Acute lymphangitis presents with a red streak from a primary site
of infection that extends to a regional lymph node; fever and chills
common; lymph node tender
■Chronic lymphangitis presents with a primary papule or nodule at
inoculation site with subcutaneous spread of nodules that follow
along lymphatic vessels; systemic symptoms usually absent

■Blood cultures in febrile patient; culture of node if draining (culture
for bacteria, fungus and mycobacteria)
■Aspiration of node for culture and cytology in chronic cases; exci-
sional biopsy may be needed if aspiration fails to reveal etiology
■Serologic studies (syphilis, cat-scratch disease, toxoplasmosis, acute
HIV, mono spot or Epstein-Barr virus antibody titers) or skin test
(PPD) if history suggestive of specific disease

differential diagnosis
■Lymphoma, Kawasaki syndrome, Kikuchi Fujimoto’s disease (necro-
tizing histiocytic lymphadenitis), sarcoidosis, systemic lupus, Still’s
disease, Sjogren syndrome
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