Internal Medicine

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0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

944 Malaria

What to Do First
■Evaluate blood smears to confirm diagnosis and parasite species.
■Consider hospitalization for all patients with falciparum malaria.
■Admit patients with severe disease to ICU (abnormal men-
tal status; >3% parasitemia; hematocrit <20%; hypoglycemia;
renal, cardiac, pulmonary, or hepatic dysfunction; DIC; prolonged
hyperthermia; severe vomiting or diarrhea) and treat with parenteral

General Measures
■One negative blood smear does not rule out malaria; if initially neg-
ative, repeat thick blood smears every 12 h for 48 h.
■If uncertain about parasite species or drug sensitivity, treat for
chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum with quinine or quinidine.
■In severe disease, carefully monitor glucose, hemoglobin/
hematocrit, fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance; give prophy-
lactic anticonvulsants (phenobarbital) to unconscious patients; con-
sider exchange transfusion for severely ill patients with hyperpara-
siternia (>5–15%); avoid use of corticosteroids in cerebral malaria.
■Check G6PD level before prescribing primaquine.

specific therapy
■Positive blood smear or other diagnostic test; empiric treatment indi-
cated if clinical suspicion is high and diagnostic tests are pending
■Consult CDC for current recommendations:; malaria
hotlines 770-488-7788 (treatment) and 888-232-3228 (prophylaxis)
■Antimalarial drug doses can be expressed either in amounts of base
or salt; be specific when ordering medications.
■Uncomplicated Chloroquine-Sensitive Malaria
➣PLUS Primaquine (for radical cure of P. vivax and P. ovale only)
■Severe Chloroquine-sensitive Malaria
■Uncomplicated Chloroquine-Resistant Malaria
➣Quinine orally PLUS Doxycycline OR Tetracycline OR Clin-
damycin OR sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (Fansidar)
➣OR Mefloquine (Larium)
➣OR Atovaquone/Proguanil (Malarone)
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