Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

966 Melanoma

Regional Metastases
■Hyperthermic regional limb perfusion
■Adjuvant therapy – interferon alpha-2b
■Adjuvant therapy – experimental melanoma vaccines

Distant Metastases (Stage IV) Melanoma
■Biologic therapy (interferon, interleukins, monoclonal antibodies,
melanoma vaccines)
Total skin examinations for melanoma and its precursors should be
routinely done.
■Localized disease – follow q3 months for the 1st year, then q6 months
for the next 5 years, yearly thereafter.
■Locoregional metastasis(nodal metastasis) – follow q3 months for
2 years after the excision, then q6 months
➣Serum LDH and chest x-ray tests at each visit. PET/CT scan at
initial staging and then q6 months. Additional studies directed
toward symptoms.
■Distant metastases – q3 months for 5 years, then q6 months
➣Radiologic and laboratory investigations dependent upon symp-
toms and exam (i.e., cervical lymphadenopathy – CT scan)

complications and prognosis
Stage I Melanoma
■Sex – women > men
■Tumor site –back, posteriorarm, posteriorneck,scalp (BANS) worse
■Age younger > older
■Tumor thickness – thin > thick
➣<0.76 mm, 96% 5-year survival
➣0.76–1.49, 87%
➣1.50–2.49, 75%
➣2.50–3.99, 66%
➣>4.0, 47%
■Clark’s level of invasion
➣Intraepidermal (Level I)
➣In papillary dermis (Level II)
➣Fills papillary dermis (Level III)
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