Core Progression*
It is important to understand progression when training your client. Progression is about
challenging the person further once they master a particular movement, do not memorize
programs understand them. Correct any postural distortions, faulty motor patterns or balance
issues first. Start with basic stability exercises and stretching on the floor. Focus on holding a
neutral spine; quadruped arm raise, knee planks, upper back only cat camels and glute bridging
are great exercises to start with. Once the client proves they can maintain a neutral spine with
these exercises in a static position add some perturbations. Don’t change the exercises so fast
just make them harder. Here are some basic progressions broken down by level:
- Quadruped arm raise
- quadruped leg raise
- quadruped arm and leg raise
- quadruped arm raise with knees on a ½ foam roller
- quadruped leg raise with knees on a ½ foam roller.
- quadruped leg raise with knees on a ½ foam roller and hands on dyna disc.
- knee planks
- knee plank with foam roller
- full plank
- plank with leg raise
- plank on roller
- plank on ball with airex pad under feet
- Upper back only cat camels
- low back only cat camel
- cat camel
- cat camel with eyes closed
- cat camel on half foam roller.
- Static glute bridge
- two leg glute bridge
- two leg glute bridge with band around knees
- two leg glute bridges with feet on airex pad
- 1 leg glute bridge
- 1 leg glute bridge on dyna disc.
Once your client shows proficiency performing basic floor movements you should
incorporate some basic standing balance exercises and spend less time on the floor as they
improve. Here are some basic progressions broken down by level: 1) one leg stand holding
neutral spine 2) one leg stand holding neutral spine with pertubations 3) one leg stand with eyes
closed 4) one leg stand on airex pad 5) one leg stand with eyes closed on airex pad
This exercise can easily be transformed into a strength exercise. 1) one leg standing
medicine ball chest pass 2) one leg standing chest pass on balance board 3) one leg standing
chest pass on dyna disc