Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1


  1. What are the benefits of Myofascial Massage?
    A. Break down scar tissue
    B. Return blood flow to the area
    C. Increase nervous system transmission
    D. All of the above

  2. Foam Roller Myofascial massage can Increase flexibility.
    A. True
    B. False

  3. During A Foam Roller DB Press, The feet should be
    A. Less than Shoulder width
    B. Shoulder width
    C. More than shoulder width
    D. Placed right next to each other

  4. During the medicine ball twist, the arms should be bent.
    A. True
    B. False

  5. During the foam roller Bird Dog, the spine should stay neutral.
    A. True
    B. False

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