Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

When considering program design for beginners, a general suggestion is to design it for an initial
twelve week period: four, three-week cycles with gradual progression assuming the client is
reaching desired/assigned targets. The first stage is geared towards correcting postural issues,
teaching form, defining exercise boundaries, and addressing balance and faulty motor patterns.
Repetition ranges will vary from six to ten at slow tempos and low intensity. The second stage is
almost the same with less static exercises and increasingly difficult exercises at a faster tempo
and slightly more intensity. Repetition ranges can be higher with ten to fifteen repetitions. The
third stage should have more dynamic movements at a moderate intensity and include super-
setting and challenging environments. The fourth stage should be difficult, full-body, multi-joint
and proprioceptive exercises. Intensity is based on goals.

*We wish to emphasize that the guidelines suggested here are simple in theory and presented as
a starting point basis. This is not an all-inclusive approach to program design; in fact, our intent is
to offer the fitness professional a foundation upon which to build. We offer more comprehensive,
in-depth program design courses and provide suggestion reading/educational materials on our

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