Pre-season (Cont’d)
Phase 2: Perfecting and getting ready to play. Drills will increase in intensity; heavy lifting will still
be involved, but changes will be incorporated. Higher reps will be used with the power exercises,
e.g., one gross exercise performed slightly heavy for 6 repetitions, followed by a 15-repetition,
easier exercise.
Duration: 2 weeks
Rep ranges: 8-10
Tempos: 3/0/1
Rest periods: 60-90 sec
How many days in the weight room per week? 3
Rep ranges: 6-8
Tempos: 3/0/x or 3/0/1
Rest periods: 10- 45 sec
How many days in the weight room per week? 3 or from whatever the athlete can recover.
Phase 1: Adjusting to playing and training together. Continue explosive lifts but decrease
frequency and avoid high risk exercises. Keep workouts a bit shorter and avoid a lot of aerobic
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Phase 2: Continue explosive lifts but further decrease frequency. Incorporate more flexibility and
recovery exercises.
Duration: Until post season.
Phase 3: Usually occurs around crunch time(whos making it to postseason play). Everyone is
different as a general rule it is prudent to keep the workouts to a moderate intensity and eliminate
explosive weight training. Focus more on drills and explosive, on-court movements. Increase
time passively stretching the athlete.
Duration: until end of season
Post season
Rep ranges: 12-20
Tempos: 5/0/1
Rest periods: 30-120 sec depending on weaknesses
How many days in the gym per week? 3-4