Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

  1. Periods to take into account for athletes include
    A. Pre season
    B. Post season
    C. In season
    D. All of the above

  2. Circuit training involves performing a series of exercises with
    A. No resistence
    B. Little or no rest between exercises
    C. Long rest between exercises
    D. Both a and b

  3. a safe and easy way to control the intensity of a circuit routine would be
    A. Adding weight
    B. Reduce water intake
    C. Speeding up the exercises
    D. None of the above

  4. Beginner weight lifters should avoid
    A. Heavy weight or explosive movements
    B. Light weight and high repetitions
    C. Cardiovascular exercise
    D. Both a and c

  5. The best candidate for circuit training is;
    A. High performance athlete
    B. Weight loss client
    C. Rehab client
    D. B&C

  6. Exercise selection should be geared toward functional type movements
    A. True
    B. False

  7. How can you control the intensity of a Circuit routine?
    A. Increasing or decreasing rest period
    B. Speeding up the exercises
    C. Super-setting
    D. All of the above

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