Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Bad: Adductor Machine

  • Forced Range Of Motion

  • This exercise further tightens an already tight area on most people.

  • The hips must simultaneously rotate and rise laterally. These actions place great
    stress on the lumbar spine, especially when heavy weights are used. The danger is
    even greater if the movement is done quickly, with a jerk, or if there is excessive hip
    rotation when the leg is out in front of the body

  • When working the adductors, more emphasis should be put on flexibility unless
    directed by a professional for a specific purpose.

  • Alternative: Side lunging, Sumo squat and exercises that use these muscles as
    synergists. Adductor Stretching is the most important thing because if these
    muscles are tight they can cause so many lower extremity dysfunctions.

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