Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Stiff Leg Deadlift

  • Wrong: Hyper-extending or locking the knees, Going too heavy, Letting the weights hit
    the floor, Heels lifting, Rounding the back

  • Right: Bend at your waist keeping your spine and neck neutral, keep back straight and
    knees soft. Hold bar with hands about shoulder width. Straighten up while holding the
    bar at arm’s length. Can also be done standing on a bench or box (so that plates don’t
    touch the floor) or with dumbbells. Picture depicts proper form.

*A person’s flexibility will determine the range on this exercise. This exercise needs to be
practiced before adding resistance. People with low back injuries may be excluded unless
prescribed for rehab. It may be a good idea to slightly bend the knees for beginners with tight
muscles and limited range. When performing these lifts under normal circumstances it is
important that the knees are not hyper extended.

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