Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Hanging Hip Flexion

  • Wrong: The majority of the movement is done with hip flexors. Do not hyperextend
    the spine.

  • Right: Hanging from arm slings or chin up bar with the knees bent; draw the hips
    upwards until a strong contraction is felt in the abdominal. Return to the starting
    position under control and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions. Remember
    to avoid arching or hyper extending the lower back and raise the legs by using the
    strength of the abdominal rather than bending at the hip. Picture depicts proper form.

*This is a good exercise if you have proper core strength and are experienced. It is impossible to
maintain proper form if you do not have good core strength. Keep the back neutral avoid arching
or hyper extending the lower back and raise the legs by using the strength of the abdominals
rather than bending at the hip. Do not let the legs completely straighten. Clients with back
problems may be excluded. This is a very high level exercise.

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