Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Romanian Dead Lift – Performed Correctly

  • Right: Put a barbell in front of you on the ground then grab it with a little wider than
    shoulder width grip. Bend the knees slightly. The position should be shins vertical,
    hips back and back straight. Keeping your spine and neck neutral at all times, use your
    hips to lift the bar. The movement should not be fast but steady and under control. The
    arms should remain straight. Once you are standing completely straight up, lower the
    bar by pushing the hips back, only slightly bending the knees, unlike when squatting.
    Take a deep breath at the start of the movement and keep your chest up. Hold
    your breath as you lower and exhale as you complete the movement. Start with light
    weights to get used to it and be careful! Make sure you squeeze the glutes during
    the movement.

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